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Hot Tip
QSR Fast Food Operators Discover Faster Cash Flow with Modular Restaurants
Fast food, ice cream and beverage kiosk operators along with quick serve restaurant markets have know for years that modular buildings can mean more easily managed growth and faster cash flow generation. Click here to read the story from the Modular Building Institute.
We can design, manufacture and install a GREEN LEED Commissioned restaurant, convenience store or other commercial building to United States Green Building Council standards. LEED is the Green gold-standard today.Call or Email us for more information. Slash utility costs. Payback for an investment in Green Construction is less than 10 years with huge savings in all successive years.
7 Year Depreciation
Because modular commercial construction results in a building being relocatable or moveable the current tax laws provide for 7 year accelerated depreciation. A huge tax and cash flow advantage considering stick-built construction typically requires a 39 year depreciation schedule. Call or Email us for more information to review with your professional tax advisers.,
Convenience Store
Car Wash
Faster Cash Flow for Fast Food & Drive Thru Kiosks
Move or relocate building anytime
AMT Company News
Oct, 2005
DOUBLE DRIVE THRU COFFEE KIOSK PROTOTYPE: An upscale coffee franchisor selects American Modular Technologies to develop "high image" drive thru coffee kiosk for their rapidly expanding franchise.
Dec, 2005
C-STORE PRODUCTION: A large Midwestern food chain is expanding their fuel business by ordering several C-Stores from American Modular Technologies.
July, 2006
QSR Selects AMT to engineer and manufacture new prototype restaurant for national distribution.


6306 Old 421 Road
P.O. Box 1069
, NC 27298

Phone: 336-622-6200
Fax: 336-622-6473

Sales Manager  - Greg Surratt
Restaurants & QSR
- Patrick Hinshaw
C-Store, Car Wash & Fuel Buildings - Cliff Hearne
General Manager - Randy Kirkman

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